
Thursday, 28 February 2013

The Bible in a Year

Having been born into a Christian family and becoming more in touch with God over recent years, it seems slightly odd that I haven't read the whole of the Bible. Actually, I haven't even read half. I decided that I really must do something to address this in order to explore my faith more, and this was when I came across The Bible in a Year. 
This Fantastic book is part of Soul Survivor's range, although I'm sure there are others available. It is organised so that you read a passage from the Old Testament, the New Testament and Psalms/Proverbs every day, breaking what seems like a daunting challenge into bitesize chunks. Having previously found some of the books of the bible quite hard to understand and apply to my life, this book helps by linking each day to the Soul Survivor blog, which gives more information and allows you to reflect on each chapter. 
I definitely recommend it!

"Be very, very careful about what you put into that head, because you'll never, ever get it out."

Thomas Cardinal Wolsey's well-known quote seems a little pessimistic at a glance, but is actually one of the most accurate facts on paper. It can work both ways. Memories are fantastic things. In fact, I regularly enjoy reminiscing about my childhood and am grateful that some moments I can still remember vibrantly. However, as always, there is a flip-side to our brain's fantastic ability to cling on to information. 

One cruel, self-spiting thought can quickly transform your mind into a very hostile place indeed. That one thought has the potential to ruin a life, or at least make it impossible for people to reach their full potential. Negative body image, non-existent self esteem and self-loathing are nasty little buggers who slyly wheedle their way in to even the most distant nooks and crannies of a person's head and cause carnage. Please, please don't let it. Your soul does not deserve to be ridiculed and belittled. 

Think of it as being a little bit like feeding a plant weed killer. After a while, the plant will diminish and shrivel up, unable to function properly. If it is cared for and fed nutrients, however, this plant will flourish and burst into magnificent bloom, developing a deep network of roots to support it. If you want a more fulfilled, joyful life, start with being kind to yourself. 

Saturday, 9 February 2013

9th February 2013: Feast Day of St Apollonia and Others

Hello everyone. Long time no write. Why, I wonder? Well, to tell the truth, writing about my daily running progress and nothing else was getting slightly mundane. As they say, variety is the spice of life and all that. To get the ball rolling, I'm going to start with announcing events/incidents that are of some significance or amusement.
1. I made a lemon meringue pie last weekend. It may have looked slightly deformed, but it tasted bloody good. 

2. The next day, I managed to fall into a train. Yes, you read that correctly. I bucked the trend of just stepping onto the train from the platform with tremendous style. Tea went everywhere.

Ok, that's it. Unfortunately my life does not resemble a soap opera.

Training has been going reasonably well, as has my degree. I also managed to bash out a mini rant about body image and eating disorders for the newspaper tonight whilst sipping my cocoa. Good times. 


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