
Saturday, 9 February 2013

9th February 2013: Feast Day of St Apollonia and Others

Hello everyone. Long time no write. Why, I wonder? Well, to tell the truth, writing about my daily running progress and nothing else was getting slightly mundane. As they say, variety is the spice of life and all that. To get the ball rolling, I'm going to start with announcing events/incidents that are of some significance or amusement.
1. I made a lemon meringue pie last weekend. It may have looked slightly deformed, but it tasted bloody good. 

2. The next day, I managed to fall into a train. Yes, you read that correctly. I bucked the trend of just stepping onto the train from the platform with tremendous style. Tea went everywhere.

Ok, that's it. Unfortunately my life does not resemble a soap opera.

Training has been going reasonably well, as has my degree. I also managed to bash out a mini rant about body image and eating disorders for the newspaper tonight whilst sipping my cocoa. Good times. 


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