When I first arrived at the Runners' Village, I felt somewhat out of place in comparison to the lycra-clad, sinewy regulars with my fluorescent socks and high school hoody. However, during the race, an odd sort of camaraderie existed between us runners. Each of us were encouraging the rest and the crowd wouldn't stop cheering. I still think that it was this combined with countless prayers that got me through the whole 13.1 miles. The atmosphere was absolutely incomparable to anything I've ever experienced before.
Afterwards, my legs felt like badly set jelly and I couldn't stop shaking. After a Mars bar and a supersize supper, I was feeling better but this did not prepare for what I was going to experience the next day. Stiff would be a huge understatement. Walking down the stairs took about 10 minutes and bending my knees were out of the question. 4 Voltarols later, I am completely recovered apart from a bit of quad pain. Massive respect to my body!
So, would I do it again? Of course!
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